Why DIR®/Floortime™ model?

A new study is out regarding the success of early treatment for infants who are showing early signs of autism.  Please read the following link and share with others!

“Children diagnosed with autism typically receive early intervention beginning at 3 to 4 years, six to eight times later than the children who participated in the study. But the earliest symptoms of autism may be present before the child’s first birthday. Infancy is the time when children first learn social interaction and communication, so autism researchers and parents of children with the condition have been working to identify autism and begin intervention sooner.”

In the study, parents were coached to concentrate their interactions on supporting their babies’ individualized developmental needs and interests, and embedded these practices into all of their play and caretaking, focusing on creating pleasurable social routines to increase their children’s opportunities for learning. The intervention was focused on:

  • Infant attention to parent faces and voices
  • Parent-child interactions that attract infants’ attention, bringing smiles and delight to both
  • Parent imitation of infant sounds and intentional actions
  • Parent use of toys to support, rather than compete with, the child’s social attention

As we have learned through our work and training in the DIR®/Floortime™ model, we understand that as therapists, it is important to coach the parents so that they can bring the pleasureable interactions and work home.  We understand that learning and communication is built upon a strong foundation of interaction and relationship.  Happy to share this study!

D:  Developmental

I: Individual Difference

R: Relationship

To learn more about the study, click on:  http://www.patheos.com/blogs/faithonthecouch/2014/09/shocking-study-autism-may-be-curable-if-treated-much-earlier/




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